Taking a Closer Look at Other Cannabinoids and Their Benefits

Taking a Closer Look at Other Cannabinoids and Their Benefits
October 2, 2018 Dani Pepper
In Lifestyle, Wellness


Anyone familiar with cannabis knows that the plant is made of various compounds called cannabinoids. These react with our bodies in different ways using our endocannabinoid system (ESCO), causing all manner of reactions depending on the cannabinoid.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is probably the best-known cannabinoid, which is a psychoactive compound responsible for the pleasant high produced when consuming cannabis. Cannabidiol (CBD) is another well-known cannabinoid that offers various non-psychoactive reactions in the body, such as pain reduction.

But cannabis features a massive collection of cannabinoids, many of which are often overlooked despite offering different benefits.

Let’s take a closer look at some other cannabinoids their benefits!


Cannabigerol is a lesser-known cannabinoid despite being the building block for most others, mainly due to his small concentration in most plants. It’s usually less than 1% of cannabinoids post-growth, with THC and CBD dominating cannabinoid concentration.

However, according to research CBG offers a range of benefits, such as reducing inflammation, treatment for bowl and bladder ailments, and even being good for the skin.


Widely regarded as the parent of all other cannabinoids, cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) plays an important role in developing other cannabinoids as a plant grows. For instance, CBGA eventually converts into THCA and CBDA, which in turn convert into THC and CBD after heat exposure.

CBGA is thought to be a great pain relief on its own, while it’s suggested it could slow development of bacterial growth and possibly prevent cancer cell growth.


The THC most of us are familiar with isn’t the only one found in cannabis. Delta-8-THC is slightly different from delta-9-THC, which is the main THC that gets you high, notably being far less potent.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing considering the offer health benefits detla-8-THC offers, which includes treatment for pain, nausea, and vomiting. It’s also thought to be an appetite suppressant – less potent means fewer munchies!


Third behind THC and CBD in terms of cannabinoid concentration, cannabichormene (CBC) actually shares a close relationship with THC. Basically, when combined with THC, CBC’s potent anti-inflammatory properties are increased, while it also acts as a mood stabilizer.


Cannabicyclol (CBL) is a cannabinoid produced when cannabichormene (CBC) degrades over time. Exposure to oxygen and light causes this effect, producing the lesser-understood CBL. Sadly, there isn’t much in the way of research, but some small studies have suggested it may offer, anti-tumor properties – a great reason to further research this cannabinoid!


Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) is somewhat like THC, sharing a close molecular structure, although it’s nowhere near as potent a psychoactive.

While the idea of feeling less high may seem blasphemous to stoners, THCV does offer some notable benefits, namely working as an effective appetite suppressant. Additionally, THCV can help prevent convulsions thanks to its neuroprotective compounds.


Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) and cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) are two unique cannabinoids in that they are only present in raw cannabis plants. They are only present before a plant is heated, which causes a process called decarboxylation that begins to activate various cannabinoid compounds as the plant grows.

Both THCA and CBDA are non-psychoactive so they won’t get you high, but consuming parts of the plant orally offers some notable benefits. For example, consuming these cannabinoids can provide an improved appetite (without the high!), better intestinal regulation, and reducing feelings of nausea.